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Thomas Storck was a founding editor of Caelum et Terra and is the author of many articles, as well as the books: The Catholic Milieu (1987); Foundations of a Catholic Political Order (1998) and Christendom and the West: Essays on Culture, Society and History (2000), available from Four Faces Press . For permission to use his articles, contact him by clicking here.
Fall 1991
Volume 1 no 2
When Small is Sensible: Culture, Technology, and Subsidiarity
Winter 1992
Volume 2 no 1
Spring 1992
In Search of Nature and Community: The Mixed Legacy of the 1960's
Summer 1992
Social Justice and the Fear of Hell
Fall 1992
Catholic Faith, Catholic Life, Catholic Culture
Winter 1993
Volume 3 no 1
Truth Embodied: A Sketch of Catholic Community
Spring 1993
All Ye Works of the Lord, Bless the Lord: A Rural Meditation from Daniel 3
Summer 1993
Volume 3 no 3
Catholic Colony-Making in 19th Century America
Fall 1993
Ars Gratia Artis or Ars Gratia Hominis?
Winter 1994
Spring 1994
Catholic Marriage or Bourgeois Marriage
Summer 1994
The Brave
New World Order: America as a Cultural Vacuum
Winter 1995
Volume 5 no 1
Some Economic and Cultural Considerations of Capitalism
Spring 1995
Volume 5 no 2
Of Man and Beast and Law: Nature and the Natural as Norms
Summer 1995
Hippies or Old Western Men?
Fall 1995
Volume 5 no 4
Volume 6 no 1
Mass Culture or Popular Culture
Summer 1996
Volume 6 no 2
Renewing the Face of the Earth: A Meditation
Fall 1996
Volume 6 no 3
�The Social Order as Community�
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